For example, you may associate “blue” with your blue bedding, which helps you remember the phrase, “In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Memory palaces help speed recall, and simple words or phrases can represent complex concepts or higher volumes of information.

What is a memory palace?Ī memory palace is a memory technique that associates items or topics with locations within a room, route, or other specified location. In this article, we will explore what a memory palace is, why it is a powerful memory technique, and how you can use it in your everyday life. Memory techniques like a memory palace can help you keep important information close.
For example, if you were studying for a professional certification exam, you likely could not bring in notes or reminders. While making lists and writing physical reminders can be useful, written text is not always accessible. Many of us have to rely on our memories while taking exams, completing projects and job-related tasks, or even swinging by the grocery store.

While the invention of the internet has brought endless amounts of information to our fingertips, many professions require us to remember related details. It involves mentally placing information to be remembered in specific locations within an imagined physical space, such as a palace or building, and then mentally "walking" through that space to retrieve the information when needed. A memory palace is a mnemonic technique used to improve memory retention and recall.